Mechanical Drive Packaged Systems BU

Markets Served

Marine Propulsion Systems - Corvettes, Fast Attack Craft, Fast Patrol Boats, Hovercraft, Mega Yachts, Fast Ferries

Compressor Drive Systems

Combined Gas Turbine with Diesel Engine Propulsion Systems (CODOG, CODAG Systems)

Marine Propulsion Packaged Systems

Package Features

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Marine propulsion Package

Nominal rating based on ISO standard conditions at 15ºC (59ºF), sea level and no inlet / exhaust duct losses, relative humidity 60% and natural gas fuel with lower heating value (LHV) 35 MJ/nm3 (940 Btu/scf).

Gas Turbine Package Prime Mover
P&W ST18
P&W ST40
Vericor TF40
Vericor TF50

Compressor Drive Packaged Systems

Package Features

Nominal rating based on ISO standard conditions at 15ºC (59ºF), sea level and no inlet / exhaust duct losses, relative humidity 60% and natural gas fuel with lower heating value (LHV) 35 MJ/nm3 (940 Btu/scf).

Gas Turbine Package Prime Mover
RR 501KC5s
RR 501KC7s
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